Using django-tenant-users

After installing and configuring django-tenant-users, here’s what you need to know to get started.

Provisioning a New Tenant

To set up a new tenant in your application, utilize tasks.create_public_tenant():

from tenant_users.tenants.tasks import provision_tenant

fqdn = provision_tenant("EvilCorp", "evilcorp", "")

Using Multi-Type Tenants

If you’re leveraging the Multi-type Tenants feature from django-tenants, use the tenant_type keyword when calling the utils.create_public_tenant() function:

from tenant_users.tenants.tasks import provision_tenant

fqdn = provision_tenant("EvilCorp", "evilcorp", "", tenant_type="tenant_type")


Provisioning creates a new schema. Handle this asynchronously, e.g., with Celery.

Creating a User

Create users through the object manager:

from users.models import TenantUser

user = TenantUser.objects.create_user("", "password", True)


In django-tenant-users, emails are usernames.

Deletion Mechanism

Instead of permanently deleting users and tenants, django-tenant-users opts for marking them as inactive. This approach ensures data integrity and allows for potential reactivation in the future.

Delete Tenants

The proper way to delete a user in django-tenant-users is to use the manager method:

from companies.models import Company

evil = Company.objects.get(slug='evil')

Delete Users

The proper way to delete a user in django-tenant-users is to use the manager method:

from users.models import TenantUser

user = TenantUser.objects.get(email='')

Tenant/User Management

To give a user access to a tenant, simply use the TenantBase.add_user() function.

from companies.models import Company
from users.models import TenantUser

user = TenantUser.objects.get(email='')
evil = Company.objects.get(slug='evil')

Utilities and Helper Functions

django-tenant-users offers a variety of utilities and helpers for helping manage your users and tenant permissions. See the Utility Reference page for more information.